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(1 edit)

Hold on, one story branch completed, I was on vacation for a whole while, so I couldn't work on it, but one story branch is completed, so hold on until I do the rest! Also, for some reason part 2 is funnier, so yeah dudes, hold in!

Sorry for the delay. The next story update is really big....and features KFC ((Spoiler Alert)) **Truely the GTA killer**

Update 0.1 Brief:

-Fixed spelling mistakes in noticeable areas

-Added easter eggs

-Updated help menu

-Minor Easter Egg when using gamepad and going to help TAB

-Minor Improvements

-Changed a few words to make sentences flow easier

-Fixed Nought's name is accidently briefly spelled as "nought" when choosing the "Water" option

-Added the name of my first follower to the "Help tab under the mouse section" as an easter egg

-Added Mac Os Support

-Expanded all the easter eggs in the 'Help Menu'

-Added Piesang Popo

Thanks for playing!!! 

The experience of a life time. the GTA 6 killer!! Try now, early access, free! (Caim now before I put 43443 sugars in your coffee)